Featured Projects

Can't quite find what you're looking for?
No problem, these are just our core services so it's very likely we can still help.
Contact the studio phone on 07487 581683 and we'll be happy to assist you.
Get A Quote
When you send an enquiry to us, you can usually expect a same-day reply.
For anything urgent, be sure to call ahead - if we can fit you in, we always will.
Our minimum order value is £45 + VAT - this tends to cover most smaller print jobs and simpler cut vinyl graphics.
Helpful info to include for quoting:
Material preferences (Matt paper, fluro yellow vinyl, textured fabric vinyl etc..)
Whether you need your job installed
Any deadline information
Once we have this information, we'll ask that you send your artwork/design files to us. Alternatively you can send all of this information to us in one email to our studio inbox: studio@puckstudio.co.uk